It is a web 2.0 site and its objective is to provide a platform for Africans the world over to network similar to other well established Social Networking sites like MySpace, hi5 and bebo.
The site went live on the 1st of June 2006 and its features include:
Friends: Set up your profile, search for your fiends and chat with them, they might have even already signed up!!!. The profiles support HTML giving the member complete control of the design of his homepage, objects such as videos from Youtube and Google videos can be embedded within the profile. The members can also edit their privacy settings to allow or deny messages from users to keep spammers at bay.
Groups: Start your own groups or join groups such as your schools group or alumni association and send invites to members and pot announcements to the shout box.
Forums:To discuss various topics notify members of events e.t.c.
Music: Videos from African artists in the Music section and you the videos can be added to your profile or request for particular songs on the forum. The videos are obtained directly added from Web 2.0 video hosting sites with African themed tags or tags from popular African artists. The videos are automatically posted each time the feeds generated from the tag is updated ensuring that the Music section is up to date
Games: Play Soccer, Mario, Sonic, Streetfighter and lots of flash games from bigger sites like Ebaumsworld.
News: The site also has the latest news items on Africa. The news items are aggregated from RSS feeds on African News thereby providing the latest news items in real time. Some of the major sources include but are not limited to Yahoo, Google and
Classified: Search for job postings or post items you want to sell or look for items to buy. Blog: Your online diary or journal, where you share your thoughts,. The members blogs have live RSS 2.0 feeds and the most exciting podcasts as determined by monthly polls are submitted to iTunes allowing creative writers reach a wider audience which was impossible since only podcasters with major credit cards could submit their podcasts to iTunes.
Text messaging: The site also allows subscribed members send SMS to mobile networks all over Africa and communicate with their friends and family.